East Malling, West Malling & Offham Matters

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Flooding Issues at New Road

by eastmallingmatters on 22 December, 2018

While delivering Hotline this week with volunteers, Roger and Michelle were extremely concerned to see that some drivers were going through the floodwater on New Road much too fast, while others who were concerned about going through the water were passing on the wrong side of the road in the path of oncoming vehicles.  Fortunately there were no pedestrians nearby affected by the antisocial driving of the van in the photograph but the vehicle coming the other way took a real splattering. 

The situation here is bad from time to time – it is in Flood Zone 3 – but this week it was especially bad with the pavement at the dropped crossing point completely submerged.  This is not good enough and we have asked KCC to look at the matter urgently, along with the A20/New Road junction.

Following pressure from us, and the Parish Council, Kent Highways have now confirmed that the Drainage Team have been instructed to resolve the immediate issue of flood water at New Road and investigate the underlying problem to determine whether there is a more fundamental issue with the capacity of drains and piping of the Ditton Stream which flows beneath this section of road.

We will let you know what the investigations reveal.


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