East Malling, West Malling & Offham Matters

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Further Kings Hill Expansion Plans Emerge

by eastmallingmatters on 10 December, 2018

As Tonbridge & Malling’s final Local Plan consultation drew to a close, new proposals emerged from Liberty Property Trust for development of 6 new sites on and around Kings Hill.

You can view the proposals here or visit http://www.kings-hill.com/future-plans

Four of the sites are within the Kings Hill built-up area; the other two are in East Malling – see sites 5.4 and 5.5.  An exhibition was held at the Control Tower at Kings Hill but this was at relatively short notice and we are concerned that many people will not have known about it..  Roger Roud, Michelle Tatton, Trudy Dean and David Thornewell all attended, and a representative of Liberty has subsequently attended a meeting with Parish Councillors to provide further details.

We understand that separate planning applications for all sites will be submitted shortly (probably before Christmas) and while none of the sites has been considered for inclusion in TMBC’s Local Plan, Liberty will be promoting their sites before the Inspector at the Public examination.

The two sites in East Malling would result in a loss of green space in the open countryside that is within the proposed Green Belt extension.  Residents will also be concerned about the effect of any development on traffic, particularly from the site at Heath Farm, Wateringbury Road where around 40 houses are suggested, with an ‘emergency access’ connecting the site to Kings Hill.  This, we feel, could lead to more generalised access in the future which would be a great concern not just to East Malling but also to Wateringbury and Teston.

Roger and Michelle have called at homes on Wateringbury Road and The Heath that are closest to the proposed development sites to make sure they are fully aware  of  Liberty’s intentions  and will be speaking with other residents over the course of the coming weeks.

We will share further information with you as it becomes available, both on our website and via our East Malling Matters Facebook page.  Meanwhile, if you wish to get in touch with us and let us know your views please visit our contact page.

   1 Comment

One Response

  1. John Wilkin says:

    Liberty must not be allowed to get away with this additional plan which is underhand and sneaky! Pardon the pun but Liberty are taking liberties!

    Most of our earlier responses to the Boro’s latest plan were as a result of believing that to a large extent residents had to bow to the inevitable march towards more and more housing but our concerns were mitigated by plans to extend the green belt and not to allow access from the Wateringbury Road. Now this is slipped in at the last minute and it really smacks of deliberate deception.

    We do not have a housing crisis in the UK we have a population crisis. Do Authorities not realize that for every rubber dinghy rescued from mid Channel, a couple of extra houses will need to be built for people who we never bargained for nor wanted in the first place!

    And companies like Liberty thrive on this perceived need for housing then build places that most of us couldn’t afford anyway! This way lies madness!

    Resist these underhand plans for all you are worth. I will tell the same to our M.P. too.

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