East Malling, West Malling & Offham Matters

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Is there no end in sight for potholes…?

by eastmallingmatters on 26 February, 2018

And the prize for East Malling’s largest pothole goes to Well Street, where the whopper below measures some 4 inches deep, using Roger’s newly made measuring device! Other nearby potholes measure over 3 inches, and another pothole at the junction with Sweets Lane (shown in the right-hand photo) is not far behind. All of these potholes have been reported either by us, the Parish Council or residents and are awaiting repair.
If you know of any other dangerous potholes please let us know and we’ll be happy to take a look or you can report directly to Kent Highways at https://www.kent.gov.uk/roads-and-travel/report-a-problem
Thankfully the very large pothole in Chapman Way near Catlyn Close has now been repaired along with the other at Howard Drive.

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