East Malling, West Malling & Offham Matters

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Tonbridge & Malling Borough Council Elections 2nd May 2019

by eastmallingmatters on 1 May, 2019

Voting gives you a voice – and on 2nd Mayyou can use your vote to choose the TWO people whom you feel are best able to speak up for East Malling as Tonbridge & Malling Borough Councillors. 

The Borough Council does such things as:

  • making sure our household waste is collected, public bins are emptied, and streets kept clean
  • looking after the Housing Register
  • deciding upon planning applications for new homes or business premises within its area
  • promoting healthy lifestyles
  • dealing with some parking and environmental health issues
  • managing Leybourne Lakes Country Park

As well as being involved in decision making about these and other matters, Borough Councillors help residents who may be experiencing difficulty with Council services or who may otherwise need advice or support around local issues.  

If you take a look at our East Malling Matters Facebook page this will give you a flavour for what we have been doing over the last 4 years on behalf of the East Malling community.  We hope it shows why you should consider voting for us.  

Perhaps you are new to voting and are not sure what happens on the day.  Unless you have applied for a postal vote you will need to vote by going along to East Malling Village Hall in New Road.  It is helpful to take the Polling Card that has been sent to you by Tonbridge & Malling Borough Council but this is not essential.  Your name will be checked against the Electoral Register and you will then be given a ballot paper showing the names of all the candidates.  You will be asked to go to a ‘booth’ where others will not be able to see how you are voting.  In this election you will be able to vote for TWO candidates.  When you have finished, fold your ballot paper in half and put it in the ballot box.  And that’s it – job done!

If you need a lift to the Polling Station we can help. Please call Michelle Tatton on 07715 957310 to make arrangements.

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