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Forty Acres – Getting Your Comments to TMBC

by eastmallingmatters on 15 October, 2019

Thank you to everyone who came along to the Public Meeting at the East Malling Centre on Monday evening to find out more about the Forty Acres planning application for up to 250 homes on land west of Winterfield Lane.

David Thornewell, Chairman of the Parish Council, addressing the meeting

If you wish your views to be taken into account these should be submitted as soon as possible.  You ought to be able to do this online by visiting https://publicaccess2.tmbc.gov.uk/online-applications/applicationDetails.do?activeTab=documents&keyVal=PVJQ9FQHKOI00 where you can also view the documents submitted with the application and comments made by residents so far. If you get a server error message when you attempt to submit your comments you may wish to email the case officer directly – robin.gilbert@tmbc.gov.uk – quoting the application reference number 19/01814/OA and the site address, Land West of Winterfield Lane, in the email heading

or you can submit comments in writing – again, quoting the application reference and site address on your letter – to Tonbridge & Malling Borough Council, Planning Department, Gibson Building, Gibson Drive, Kings Hill, West Malling, Kent ME19 4LZ

If would be helpful if you could send a copy of your comments to the Parish Council either by email to  office@emandlpc.co.uk or by post to The Clerk to East Malling & Larkfield Parish Council, Church Farm, 198 New Hythe Lane, Larkfield, Kent, ME20 6STPlease also send them to us as your Borough Councillors – preferably by email to michelle.tatton@aol.com and rouds@talktalk.net 

You may wish to forward your comments to ALL Councillors who sit on the Area 3 Planning Committee. If you require postal addresses please visit https://democracy.tmbc.gov.uk/mgCommitteeMailingList.aspx?EM=1&ID=149 but if you need email addresses, to make things easier, we have organised them into a list for you here which you should be able to copy and paste into your email address field:

dave.davis@tmbc.gov.uk, michael.base@tmbc.gov.uk, sue.bell@tmbc.gov.uk, timothy.bishop@tmbc.gov.uk, robert.cannon@tmbc.gov.uk, david.cooper@tmbc.gov.uk, roger.dalton@tmbc.gov.uk, trudy.dean@tmbc.gov.uk, steve.hammond@tmbc.gov.uk, paul.hickmott@tmbc.gov.uk, alan.keeley@tmbc.gov.uk, des.keers@tmbc.gov.uk, andrew.kennedy@tmbc.gov.uk, david.lettington@tmbc.gov.uk, ruth.lettington@tmbc.gov.uk, anita.oakley@tmbc.gov.uk, roger.roud@tmbc.gov.uk, michelle.tatton@tmbc.gov.uk, david.thornewell@tmbc.gov.uk, colin.williams@tmbc.gov.uk,

There was some discussion at the meeting as to what is and isn’t a relevant planning consideration.  The government’s planning portal gives some information about what are material planning considerations. Please visit https://www.planningportal.co.uk/faqs/faq/4/what_are_material_considerations We have also posted a handy fact sheet below from Planning Aid England which gives greater detail.

As soon as we know the date for the Planning Committee we will post details here and on our Facebook page.  Anyone who wishes to address the Planning Committee may do so by registering with the Committee Clerk and we will provide further details about how to do this at the relevant time.

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